Saturday, December 22, 2007

Targeting swing voters

As the campaign enters high gear with a few weeks before the first contest in Iowa and about six weeks until Super Tuesday, the Obama team is looking to garner more donations and implement its get-out-the-vote (GOTV) drive.

The campaign will also target swing voters, those who are deemed susceptible to persuasion, with their candidate's message.

Generally, one doesn't waste time trying to persuade hardcore supporters of one's opponents. It would not make sense, for example, for Obama supporters to spend days calling and attempting to win over dedicated volunteers from the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Instead, the Obama camp will attempt to identify those voters who haven't made up their minds yet and convince them that Barack is the best candidate. With limited time and resources the campaign must focus its grassroots efforts.

In addition to identifying persuadable voters, Obama's strategists must ascertain what issues are most important to those voters and then craft a message showing the voter why they should choose Obama.

Those swing voters who agree that Obama is the best choice are added to a list of supporters and then targeted for GOTV efforts in the last days before the election.

Election Dates

Iowa Caucus -- Jan. 3, 2008

New Hampshire Primary -- Jan. 8, 2008

Nevada Caucus -- Jan. 19, 2008

South Carolina Primary -- Jan. 26, 2008

Super Tuesday -- Feb. 5, 2008

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