Portsmouth Herald: Vote for Obama in Democratic primary Jan. 8
More than any of the other Democrats in the race, we believe Obama has made the most compelling and persuasive case for his candidacy. He has talked throughout this campaign about the "urgency of the now" but has shown patience to develop both his campaign and his proposals…What separates Obama is a positive vision combined with a unique temperament for leadership. He combines the best attributes of natural competence and political inspiration. He inspires trust that he will make sound judgments.
Valley News: The Case For Obama
Ultimately, though, the case for Obama is not just what he proposes to do but how he proposes to do it. Voters who doubt Obama's leadership skills need only look at his well-run primary campaign, which has taken on the Hillary Clinton juggernaut. Clinton is a formidable candidate -- knowledgeable on the issues, a sharp debater, tenacious. She is more polished and more practiced than Obama. But she is less candid and less likely to create the working majority needed to govern effectively. She describes herself as battle-hardened, the candidate most able to beat back the Republicans. But that's precisely the problem: She is an armored warrior in a country weary of partisan and cultural warfare; Obama wears no armor. He seeks reconciliation -- at home and abroad — and steps forward, ready to speak a language of common understanding.
Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia joined Gov. Tim Kaine in supporting Obama. In Iowa, six more Democratic County Chairs, the leaders of the party in Audubon, Greene, Guthrie, Iowa, Sioux and Van Buren counties, endorsed Barack.
Yesterday, more than 60 foreign policy experts voiced their support for Obama's candidacy.
Further details on Obama's foreign policy agenda can be found here: http://barackobama.com/foreignpolicy. National Security Experts Endorsing Obama
Clifford Alexander, former Secretary of the Army
Ambassador Jeffrey Bader, Former Assistant US Trade Representative for Asia; Ambassador to Namibia
Professor Henri Barkey, Lehigh University, former member, State Dept. Policy Planning
Mr. Tom Bernstein, Human Rights Expert
Ambassador David Birenbaum, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. for Management and Reform
Dr. Esther Brimmer, former staff member State Department Policy Planning
Mr. Art Brown, former National Intelligence Officer for East Asia and Chief of CIA's East Asian Operations Division
Dr. Mark Brzezinski, former Director, European Affairs, National Security Council
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser under President Carter
Rep. Brad Carson, former Member of Congress; Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
Dr. Joseph Cirincione, Author and Nonproliferation Expert
Ms. Bonnie Cohen, former Undersecretary of State for Management
Mr. Greg Craig, former Assistant to the President and Director of Policy Planning, State Department
Dr. Ivo Daalder, former Director, European Affairs, National Security Council
General (ret.) Tom Daniels, Texas Air National Guard
Mr. Richard Danzig, former Secretary of the Navy
Senator Tom Daschle, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Ambassador Alice Dear, former U.S. Executive Director, African Development Bank
Mr. Michael Froman, Chief of Staff, Department of Treasury; Deputy Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Treasury; National Security Council Staff Member
Mr. Tony Gambino, former Mission Director, USAID, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dr. Tobi Gati, former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research; Senior Director for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasian Affairs, National Security Council
Ambassador Robert Gelbard, former Presidential Envoy for the Balkans; Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement; Ambassador to Indonesia; Ambassador to Bolivia
Dr. Matthew Goodman, Former Director for Asian Affairs, National Security Council
Dr. Philip Gordon, former Director, European Affairs, National Security Council
Dr. Scott Gould, former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Management
General (ret.) Scott Gration, former Director for Strategy, Policy and Planning, U.S. European Command
Adm. Don Guter, former Judge Advocate General of the Navy
General (ret.) Richard Hearney, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
Mr. Eric Holder, former Deputy Attorney General
Mr. John Holum, Former Director of ACDA and Undersecretary State for Arms Control and International Security
Ambassador Vicki Huddleston, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Ambassador to Mali and Madagascar, Chief of Mission to Cuba and Ethiopia
Admiral (ret.) John Hutson, former Judge Advocate General of the Navy
Mr. Jeh Johnson, former General Counsel, U.S. Air Force
Mr. Brian Katulis, Author and Middle East expert
Mr. Noel Koch, former Special Assistant to President Nixon; former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
Mr. Larry Korb, Assistant Secretary of Defense
Mr. Anthony Lake, former National Security Adviser to President Bill Clinton
Mr. David Lipton, former Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs
Mr. Robert Litt, former Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General; US Attorney
Mr. Jan Lodal, former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense
Mr. Frank Loy, former Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs
General (ret.) Lester L. Lyles, former Vice Chief of Staff USAF 1999-2000
Governor Raymond Mabus, former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; Governor of Mississippi
Dr. Michael McFaul, Professor, Political Science, Stanford University
General Tony McPeak, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force
The Honorable Abner Mikva, former White House Counsel under President Clinton; Chief Judge, DC Court of Appeals, Member of Congress (D-Ill)
Ambassador Donald McHenry, former US Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Ambassador Al Moses, former Ambassador to Romania
Professor Michael Nacht, Dean, School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley
Admiral (ret.) John Nathman, former Director of Navy Operations and Plans
Prof. Michael Oppenheimer, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs, Department of Geosciences and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
F. Whitten Peters, former Secretary of the Air Force
Professor Samantha Power, Professor, Harvard University - Pulitzer Prize Winner
Ambassador Nick Rey, former Ambassador to Poland
Dr. Susan Rice, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; former Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council
Prof. Riordan Roett, Director of Western Hemisphere Studies and the Latin American Studies Program, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Barnett Rubin, Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center on International Cooperation, NY University
Ambassador David Scheffer, former Ambassador at Large for War Crimes
Dr. Witney Schneidman, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
Ms. Sarah Sewell, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Mr. Dan Shapiro, former Director, National Security Council
Representative Adam Smith, House Armed Services Committee, Chairman, Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities Subcommittee
Ms. Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President, National Security Council
General (ret.) James Smith, former Deputy Commander, Joint Warfare Center, US Joint Forces Command
Ms. Tara Sonenshine, former Special Assistant to the President, National Security Council
Mr. Theodore "Ted" Sorensen, former Special Counsel to President John F. Kennedy
Ms. Mona Sutphen, former Special Assistant to the National Security Advisor
Dr. Jim Vermillion, former Mission Director, USAID, Nicaragua
Professor David Victor, Stanford Law School
The Honorable Pat Wald, Chief Judge, DC Circuit, US Court of Appeals, Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia, Iraq Intelligence Commission
Professor Celeste Wallender, Georgetown University
Senator Harris Wofford, former CEO Corporation for National Service (Americorps), United States Senator
Representative/Dr. Howard Wolpe, Former Member of Congress and Presidential Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa
Source: Barack Obama campaign
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