Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Deval Patrick set to endorse Barack Obama

It was expected sooner or later, so it's no surprise that the Boston Herald is reporting that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick will endorse Barack Obama.

Patrick and Obama are friends with both having links to Chicago.

The endorsement is expected to help Obama raise money in the state, which traditionally gives millions to presidential candidates.

Nearly $1 million in a day

Urging supporters to make up a $2.1 million deficit in campaign funds behind Hillary Clinton, Obama has succeeding in raising nearly $1 million in the last day.

The campaign is asking for donations of $25, and first-time donors are allowed to send campaign messages urging others to contribute.

Barack could use the extra money to help pay for his new Obama campaign office in Carson City, Nevada.

Obama talks about foreign policy and how the administration convinced Democrats that the only way for them to appear patriotic and sound on defense was to talk, act and vote like Republicans on the Iraq War.

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