Monday, October 8, 2007

Barack Obama announces green energy plan

Barack Obama today unveiled an ambitious plan to combat climate change by cutting U.S. green house gas emissions 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050.

In a speech Obama will deliver in New Hampshire, he says: "Now, some of these policies are difficult politically. They aren't easy. But being president of the United States isn't about doing what's easy. It's about doing what's hard."

Obama plans to invest about $150 billion in developing green energy sources like biofuels, and he promised to cut dependence on foreign oil at least 35 percent by 2030.

Former Secretary of Energy Federico Pena, an Obama supporter, commented on the aggressive proposal:

"Support Barack Obama’s comprehensive, bold, and thoughtful strategy to address global warming and to put our country on the path to energy independence. It is time to stop talking and time to take bold and effective actions towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Our nation must become a leader in attacking global warming and Barack Obama is just the leader to do that.”

Barack recently won a straw poll taken by the League of Conservation Voters in which respondents were asked to rate candidates on environmental issues.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe this will up Obama's scores very much because almost every American wants to help with green house gasses yet do not want to fix the problem themselves. This will help America unite its self with Obama.

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