Monday, June 11, 2007

Most voters like Barack

A new Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll suggests Obama has the widest appeal of all presidential candidates.

"Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton continue to be the frontrunners for their parties' presidential nominations, though on the Republican side the momentum is with Fred Thompson and Democrat Barack Obama has the broadest appeal of any candidate."

Obama is the only Democrat who tops all Republicans according to the poll conducted June 7 to 10:

"Obama, an Illinois senator, is clearly the strongest general-election candidate. He is the only Democrat who beats all three major Republican contenders: Giuliani, McCain and Romney. Clinton runs behind all three Republican contenders in head-to-head match-ups."

Only 3 percent of Democratic primary voters said they could not vote for Barack compared to 18 percent who said they couldn't vote for Hillary.

In contrast to a Rasmussen Reports poll which shows Edwards having the broadest appeal among Democrats, the Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows Edwards losing half his support compared to the last survey two months ago.

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