Monday, June 11, 2007

Barack hits the streets

Watch Barack Obama going door-to-door in this YouTube video from Dubuque, Iowa on Saturday.

Colin Powell advises Obama on foreign policy

In a "Meet the Press" interview Sunday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said that he has met twice with Barack Obama to discuss policy issues.

Powell fueled speculation
when he said that he had not endorsed a candidate yet and would eventually choose whoever was best for the job.

Having Powell on a Democratic ticket would certainly be a different kind of politics since it would mean not one but two black men achieving historical firsts. Powell is also a registered Republican. Alternatively Barack could appoint Powell to his cabinet, since it's not that unusual to fill such positions with people from the opposite party.

A former general, joint chiefs chairman and secretary of state, Powell could offer the "executive" experience to counter doubts about a former community organizer as commander in chief.

From Powell's perspective, it could offer him some redemption after being fooled on Iraq WMD (although he didn't characterize it that way). War opponents might have trouble with the former general since he wasn't able to sniff out the b.s. that many other people were detected at the time. One should recognize though that he was under tremendous pressure to act as a "team player" as part of the Bush administration. And there are some of course who believe Powell knew all along that were was no Iraqi WMD and was part of a scheme to fool the American people.

A Powell endorsement would probably help Obama more in the general election than in the primary especially in attracting independent and crossover Republican votes.

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