Sunday, May 27, 2007

Training the Troops

Analysts far and wide recognize that Hillary Clinton is pulling in more of the establishment political machines, while Barack Obama has greater grassroots support particularly among the young.

The ancient philosopher Sun Tzu wrote the treatise The Art of War and among the fundamental analysis performed before a battle, the learder or general was advised to ask themselves certain questions. Among these that are pertinent to the match-up between Hillary and Barack:

Who has the stronger force?

Who has the better-trained forces?

We might say that Barack has the stronger force in terms of raw numbers, while Hillary has the better-trained and more experienced forces in general.

Now, Barack does indeed have a core of experienced leadership behind him but also a great mass of people of have little or no political experience.

The onus on the Obama campaign is give these young people "basic training" as rapidly as possible before "game time" weeks before the election. The Camp Obama training sessions are an example of training volunteers in campaign techniques and strategy.

Even larger efforts are the nationwide events like the house parties at the end of the last quarter, and the upcoming national canvas on June 9. The campaign is also increasing the resources available at the official website that can help local groups organize effectively.

Now, for John Edwards and the second-tier candidates, the idea would be to use their relative obscurity to their advantage. Let the two front-runners preoccupy themselves with each other and forget their campaigns. This is known as the "stealth" approach. Concentrate all your resources for that clutch period just before the polls when you unleash your surprise attack. Let the big guys spend and waste their money freely early on.

In order to avoid a late surprise, the Obama campaign must have sufficient intelligence on what all serious candidates are doing. And they must avoid squandering their money too early in the campaign.

Walk for Change


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