Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama talks with the "enemy" -- Big Pharma

There is definitely a group of people who will never quite accept the idea that President Barack Obama's administration could have reached a deal with big pharma.

Today a memo was leaked that supported recent claims about this secret deal, but both the administration and the pharmaceutical companies denied the memo accurately conveyed the nature of the agreement. Both sides admit that some understanding was reached though.

Now, that alone might be too much for the more conspiratorial minded to handle. Big pharma is evil, and you cannot make a pact with the devil, so the thinking goes. Realistically though, the president has to deal with both sides on this issue.

We will see soon enough though, what the two sides actually did agree upon. When Congress meets again, the White House will have to play its hand.

Obama to Take On Health-Care Critics

Washington Post - Anne E. Kornblut
(By Jim Cole -- Associated Press) By Anne E. Kornblut President Obama is embarking on a final public relations push on health care Friday before heading off ...

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