Saturday, December 13, 2008

Democrats Go Down on the Auto Bailout

Not sure if this is about left or center. Generally the left promotes carbon caps and lower emissions, and most climate change deniers have been on the far right. Gov. Schwarzenegger in California has really gone against the current in his party on pushing a green agenda.

Now Obama has also scolded Detroit during the campaign for not retooling and building efficient, clean vehicles for the future. Maybe he should step in and insist that the Big Three develop a concrete plan to build cars that will sell in the future marketplace and meet reasonable environmental standards.

The traditional Democrats are no doubt scare of the union bosses but this is not really about left or center. The phenomenon is found among officials of all parties who make decisions based on how it impacts their future political ambitions.
About Job Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

Scott said...

It will be interesting to see if Obama can bring the two sides together to produce an auto bailout plan that the majority can live with.

Barack Obama Site

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