Thursday, January 24, 2008

Santa Cruz Sentinel backs Barack Obama

The Santa Cruz Sentinel from the Bay Area of California endorsed Barack Obama today.

January 24, 2008

As We See It: Obama our choice -- Candidate brings new ideas, crossover appeal that would end Bush-Clinton political dynasties
Sentinel Staff Report

Is this truly the year of meaningful political change in America?

We think so. We hope so.

And although both of the leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination would, if elected, be historic firsts for this country, we support Sen. Barack Obama in the Feb. 5 California presidential primary.

Sentinel elections coverage

Obama, much like his main rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, has considerable strengths and some obvious weaknesses.

But his potential and the chance he brings to move forward unencumbered by the last 20 years of the Bush-Clinton political dynasties is significant and telling.

Moreover, Obama by his very background is that rare politician whose appeal crosses boundaries and heals divides. And his experience, while not on the same executive scope as Mrs. Clinton's, is formidable, as a community activist and organizer, as a lawyer working to advance civil rights, and as a state legislator.

He comes from humble circumstances that span race, ethnicity and culture and his unique ability to get people to listen, to consider a different way of thinking bodes well for the kind of unifying, rather than polarizing, leadership this country needs.

It is this very background and political style that could revive and strengthen America's standing worldwide, a position that has been diminished under our current president.

The biggest knock on Obama is a lack of experience in foreign affairs and at the executive level. But, truthfully, presidents who have had this kind of experience -- Nixon and George Walker Bush come immediately to mind -- had their share of missteps, too.

Obama currently trails Clinton in the California polls and needs a win in South Carolina on Saturday to regain momentum. Former Sen. John Edwards lags significantly behind both.

Still, if change is what you want, it was Obama who opposed the Iraq war early on, not Clinton.

And there is something unsettling -- and, OK, entertaining as well -- at seeing Bill Clinton leading the charge against Obama. This country has been governed by a Bush, a Clinton, a Bush and now ... another Clinton? Both Clintons?

No thanks.

No one doubts that Hillary Clinton is smart, tough and a committed campaigner. The Clintons know how to win elections. In a time of economic downturn, the James Carville slogan for Clinton I, "It's the economy, stupid," might again prove irresistible.

But we don't think this country needs a reprise of 1993-2000.

Instead, we support Obama for the Democratic nomination as the candidate who truly appeals to people's best instincts, for their country and for the future.

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