Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Obama's 'non-fizzle' causes ripples

When Barack Obama raised $25 million in the first quarter, the word was out that he could not sustain the momentum.

Indeed, the press reports lately have claimed that Obama's media hype was ending and that Hillary Clinton again was the unstoppable force. With the latest fundraising news though, it appears that instead Barack Obama is the unmovable object or more correctly the forward-moving object as he topped all his previous efforts.

More than $10 million was raised online, for example, in the second quarter compared to about $7 million in 1Q.

And this should be a rather slow period for Barack because of the summer break. has certainly slowed down in relation to the competitor sites since school began letting out at the nation's campuses.

When Barack's younger supporters settle in again, we should expect an upward surge in action.

Many of the other candidates saw their 2Q fundraising efforts go southward including John Edwards, John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Romney lent his campaign $6 million of his own money to keep things from looking too bad.

Of the front-runners, Obama, Clinton and Giuliani improved on last quarter's performance. But Obama's efforts looked the most sustainable. He is drawing from supporters who aren't reaching the legal contribution limits, and can be approached again and again.

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