Friday, February 9, 2007

Obama announces website upgrade is coming

There's an announcement preview on the official Obama campaign site:

The candidate hopeful speaks, among other things, of a transformation of his website and urges supporters to seriously use the site as a campaign tool. Given that Barack is foregoing contributions from big political action committees and lobbyists, he will need this type of grassroots support, along with the conventional street-level work, to win.

Candidates with lots of supporters that don't have much money to contribute should utilize the internet. It's a great buzz machine when used properly.

A report from quotes Joe Trippi, the internet guide of Howard Dean's campaign, who says that Barack Obama won the first viral video contest against Sam Brownback by 450,000 to 8,000. The other candidates have not used viral videos yet that be can displayed on remote sites and email.

Production specialist Mike Manley helps set up a media platform in front of Springfield, Ill.'s Old State Capitol, Friday, Feb. 9, 2007. Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous 1858 House Divided speech inside Representatives Hall, and used the governors rooms as a headquarters during the 1860 presidential campaign. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., will announce his campaign for the presidency at the Old State Capitol, Saturday. AP Photo/Seth Perlman via Yahoo News.

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