Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy and voter turnout

The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy and the ongoing "Superstorm" Sandy could have an impact on voter turnout since it is shutting down early voting days in some battleground states. 

In some of these states, they have already announced plans to compensate for Sandy through measures like extending early voting hours and days.  Virginia and Pennsylvania, so far, appear to be the main swing states that could suffer from Sandy's impact.  Pennsylvania, though, has not in-person early voting.

The storm is also hammering states like Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin although the impact should be far less that what occurred on the East Coast.

President Barack Obama canceled campaign events at least until Wednesday in order to oversee the federal emergency response to the hurricane. 

Some political observers are speculating over whether Hurricane Sandy may benefit either candidate in the presidential race.  In terms of turnout, it possibly could favor Mitt Romney although this is far from clear.  It really depends on which areas are hardest hit by the storm. 

Some commentators believe the president could benefit since Americans tend to rally around their leader during periods of national distress.  The disaster is also highlighting Romney's previous statements that emergency response should be the responsibility of the states with privatized agencies.


Unknown said...

He has done GRETA THINGS to help with Sandy!

And now we NEED to make sure he's RE-ELECTED. To that end, here is my donation:

My music video for President Obama and his re-election campaign. Please feel free to FORWARD!

"I C A New A M E R I C A !"
-- Obama music video:



Thanks and best wishes,

Unknown said...

President Obama has done GREAT THINGS to help with the Sandy situation.

And now we NEED to make sure he's RE-ELECTED! To that end, here is my donation--
My music video for President Obama and his re-election campaign.

Please feel free to FORWARD! this:

"I C A New A M E R I C A !"
-- Obama music video:



Thanks and best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Instead of campaigning, it is my opinion that our president should be handing out relief money to the victims of Sandy in New Jersey and New York. Sleeves rolled up and putting in time at ground zero. Campaigning should be second. He is the president and still needs to act as our leader.

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