Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Economy and the Elections

Many Democrats believe that the resistance of the Republican Party against the extension of unemployment benefits and other cases of "obstructionism" are part of a political strategy to undermine Democrats in the fall elections.

Republicans have also formed the main resistance to President Barack Obama's financial reform package, and to a new stimulus package.  Previously, the Republicans have either voted for or supported these very same types of legislation but now they often used the deficit as a reason for their opposition.

One might wonder why the Republicans would obstruct in these areas since it could anger voters, but there is a general knowledge out there that the president will most likely take the blame when things fail.  Unfortunately, many American voters do not understand sufficiently how the system works, and even many that do still expect Obama to "twist arms" to get things done.

With census jobs and stimulus programs expiring, the failure to extend unemployment benefits will create a tremendous amount of pressure on an already fragile economy.  And this could be blamed mostly on the president by some voters.

The job for the Democrats is either informing the uninformed, or reasoning with those who may be expecting too much.

At the 101st annual NAACP convention on Monday, first lady 
Michelle Obama spoke about her “Let’s Move” campaign to cut childhood 
obesity. “We need to take this issue seriously,” she told the crowd.
At the 101st annual NAACP convention on Monday, first lady Michelle Obama spoke about her “Let’s Move” campaign to cut childhood obesity. “We need to take this issue seriously,” she told the crowd.

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