Saturday, May 23, 2009

Obama nominates first African American to head NASA

President Barack Obama yesterday nominated Retired Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden Jr. as the new head of NASA.

Bolden, a former Marine aviator and space shuttle astronaut, will become the first African American to run the space agency if approved by the Senate.

Bolden also worked as CEO of a defense and aerospace consulting firm.

Among Obama's space goals include winding down the space shuttle program; sending a space crew to the Moon by 2020; and deployment of a climate change research and monitoring system in space

Obama Picks Shuttle Veteran To Be First Black NASA Chief

Washington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎
By Scott Wilson President Obama yesterday nominated a former Marine aviator and space shuttle astronaut to become the new head of NASA and oversee a broad review of the agency's ambitions for manned and robotic space exploration.
Bolden Is Tapped to Run NASA Wall Street Journal

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