Saturday, February 7, 2009

Obama stimulus package back up to $820 bn

Senators negotiating the Obama economic stimulus plan have raised the price from $780 billion last night to $820 billion this morning.

Hundreds of amendments to the deal were voted on during last night's marathon session.

The plan is still strongly opposed by Republicans but three GOP senators have crossed over giving Obama just enough votes to get the legislation passed.

Tax cuts will now total about $250 billion down from the original proposed $275 billion. Senate Democrats agreed to cut $100 billion in spending from their original plan.

Leading spending programs include infrastructure projects ($116 billion), education funding ($88 billion) and green energy development ($40 billion).

USA Today
Senate forges deal on $820 billion stimulus
Christian Science Monitor - 1 hour ago
Key elements of the plan: a tax cut of up to $1000 for working couples and a tax credit of $15000 for home purchases. Senate negotiators struck a $820 billion deal on Friday that eases the path for a massive economic recovery program.
Video: Obama Talks Up Stimulus in Weekly Address AssociatedPress

google news commentComment by Adam S. Posen Dep. Dir., Peterson Institute for Int'l Economics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Survival foreign

I saw stars of David on shirts listed
In a concentration camp
I saw women being raped by heroes cowards
No reason
I saw the dictator soiling their pants in fear of hell that did
I saw boys become paraplegic, after feeding the mouth of the dragon
And a white man with the brain in the hood of a car
Hit by a shot that nobody knows where it came from
I saw the towers fall in the middle of the center
And everyone entering despair
I saw the tyrant hanged be impregnated with eyes of pride
And the terrorist hiding in the courtyard of the foreign
After not seen anything, everything was dark
But now, little by little I am recovering the vision
I see soldiers coming home
And a black man waving in the crowd
He brings in the face a smooth look
And carries a book in the hands .........

Sandro Kretus

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