Saturday, March 8, 2008

North Carolina also a big state

A lot of media attention has been focused on Pennsylvania with its 158 pledged delegates. However, North Carolina with 115 delegates also looms large on the horizon.

If the delegate count mirrors the popular vote, then a candidate winning North Carolina by 10 percentage points with the opponent taking Pennsylvania by five points will still likely net more pledged delegates.

Obama already has three NC superdelegates -- Rep. G.K. Butterfield, DNC Everett Ward and DNC Dannie Montgomery -- compared to Hillary Clinton's single nod (DNC Susan Burgess).

The Illinois senator also has the support of State Treasurer Richard H. Moore, State Sen. Malcolm Graham (D-Charlotte) and Durham Mayor Bill Bell.

North Carolina holds its contest on the same day as Indiana, another important state with the third most pledged delegates of the remaining states. Obama has strong support among Indiana's state legislators, while Hoosier Sen. Evan Bayh supports Clinton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Barack Obama has plans for a huge rally in the City of Philadelphia. I have worked in Philly 33 years and we hate NEW YORK especially a NEW YORK Senator telling us why we should vote for her. What better place for Barack to make a MAJOR SPEECH on his campaign promise of putting our government back in the hands of the people for the people than in the City of Independence itself. The home of the under dog Rocky Balboa, the home of new American Experience, and the home of the Declaration of Independence. We hate the NY Giants, Mets, and Yankees. Have Obama wear an Eagles hat with someone raising an Eagles flag with the chant of E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles to start the rally and watch the crowd go wild.

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