Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Spanish Language Phone Banking Tool


New Spanish Language Phone Banking Tool

Yes We Can!¡Sí se Puede!

We’re extremely excited to announce that we have launched our new online phone banking center for Spanish speakers. Here are two letters that were sent out to our grassroots supporters to explain the new tool and to help everyone get started making these important calls.

Dear Friends,

The Barack Obama campaign has introduced a new online tool that will allow our Spanish speaking supporters around the country to call undecided Spanish-speaking voters in the critical February 5th states. All you have to do is log on to our website to begin making calls to potential supporters.

Log on using this link.

And click "Click here to get started"

We also have a step-by-step guide to help you get started. (PDF)Download it here.

Help us build our grassroots movement that will ensure there is affordable healthcare for all, bring common sense to our immigration policies, and send a message of hope, unity, and opportunity to everyone in this great nation. The February 5th contests are just over a week away. We need your help today. Yes We Can!

Queridos amigos,

La campaña de Barack Obama esta introduciendo una nueva aplicación que latinos que son partidarios de Obama podrán utilizar para llamar a otros latinos que no han decido por quien votar en las elecciones primarias del 5 de febrero.

Favor visite:

Y haga clic donde dice "Click here to get started" (PDF)Download it here.

Incluido esta un guía que expliqua paso por paso como empiezar.

Ayúdenos construir el movimiento popular para asegurar que toda la gente tenga acceso a los servicios sanitarios, a traer sabiduría a nuestras leyes inmigratorias, y a mandar un mensaje de esperanza, unidad, y oportunidad a todas las personas que viven en este gran país. Falta menos de una semana hasta las elecciones primarias del 5 de febrero. Necesitamos su ayuda este mismo día. ¡Sí se puede!

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