Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hold the presses: Obama wins delegate vote in Nevada

Well, it looks like despite losing the popular vote, Barack Obama has won the delegate vote in Nevada with 13 to Clinton's 12.

Delegates are of course the votes that count at the Democratic Convention.

Campaign manager David Plouffe also reports some anomalies in the caucus process.

Statement from Obama campaign manager David Plouffe...

We currently have reports of over 200 separate incidents of trouble at caucus sites, including doors being closed up to thirty minutes early, registration forms running out so people were turned away, and ID being requested and checked in a non-uniform fashion. This is in addition to the Clinton campaign’s efforts to confuse voters and call into question the at-large caucus sites which clearly had an affect on turnout at these locations. These kinds of Clinton campaign tactics were part of an entire week’s worth of false, divisive, attacks designed to mislead caucus-goers and discredit the caucus itself.

We will investigate all of these thoroughly and would encourage anyone who had concern about actions at the caucus sites to call (866) 675-2008.

1 comment:

Annalist said...

Yesterday, while at her polling place in Las Vegas, my friend called me by cell phone just as she finished registering. She was told that she could go home. It didn't sound right to me, so I told her to stay to caucus. She did. I am going to email the telephone number to report suspicious incidents.

I must comment on another issue. I haved commented on numerous blogs the fact that Like Geo. W. Bush, the Clintons' don't seem to realize the impact of their words. Bush in the casual use of the word, "Crusade." Bill Clinton,the "Fairytale-teller,"himself himself, and Hillary's remarks about Dr. King. Now, after having won Nevada, she said, "I guess this is how the "West" was won. Having relied heavily on a large Hispanic turn-out for her, after she won, she insulted them. Doesn's she realize that Nevada is part of the "west?" The very word "Nevada" is a Spanish word which means, "snow capped." And by the way, the west was not won with votes, but by guns. If this remark is brought to her attention, I'll bet dollars to dough-nuts, she will blame someone else for her "loose use" of the language.

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