From New Hampshire, the Nashua Telegraph writes:
As we look at the current state of the nation – our foreign policy, our health-care system, our schools and the very tenor of our national discourse – it’s hard for us to conclude that experience is the issue.
There’s plenty of experience in Washington. What’s lacking is inspired leadership that can speak directly to the people over the heads of the partisan politicians and craft a national consensus not seen in decades.
What’s lacking is authenticity, transparency and courtesy. What’s lacking are leaders who, rather than seeking high ground from which they can dispatch their opponents, will seek common ground and common-sense solutions.
Obama can provide that leadership, and deserves the support of New Hampshire Democrats.
Richard Fabrizio , managing editor for Seacoast Media Group's N.H. weeklies, writes in the Portsmouth Herald (New Hampshire):
With nine others looking at me, I said I thought Sen. Obama could lead us based upon my belief that I could trust him and because I respect him. I was surprised, as were almost everyone else in the room, that we were in near consensus again.
[...]And from all of that I look to Sen. Obama and I hope he will stand against wasteful spending and political chicanery just as much as he will stand against an endless war and prescription drug price gouging. I hope to welcome him into my living room and listen to what he has to say and I don't feel that way about many others in this race.
The Dallas Morning News threw its support behind Obama this morning:
Mr. Obama is our choice because of his consistently solid judgment, poise under pressure and ability to campaign effectively without resorting to the divisive politics of the past.
There’s been lots of noise about his lack of experience. It is a legitimate concern, considering he’s a 46-year-old first-term senator. But Mr. Obama’s experience in elective office matches that of Abraham Lincoln before he became president. And he has served more time on Capitol Hill than four of the past five White House occupants.
If youthful inexperience were such a liability, it has failed to resonate despite his opponents’ best efforts. Mrs. Clinton, by contrast, flip-flopped over a plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Her campaign accepted donations from questionable sources. When Mr. Obama’s support recently surged in early primary states, her campaign tried to smear him over drug use in his youth.
Two Blue Hampshire bloggers also endorsed Obama today giving his camp a lot of reason for holiday cheer in the Granite State:
Edwards for Obama
by: Andy Edwards
I am endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for President. He is the only one who presents a real departure from conventional thinking inside the beltway and who will act as a catalyst for change both within the American political system and with our image abroad.
He doesn't talk about problems in terms of demagogic or sensational rhetoric. He approaches problems objectively, open-minded but with a thought process derived from steadfast democratic principles. He believes that we should never sacrifice our principles, and that includes when they are challenged from our side as well. He is always going to listen to what each person has to say, and will consider the different perspectives before making the best decision - a search for truth, in complete transparency.
When Barack Obama tells you what he wants to do as President, he lets you get inside his head.
Mike Hoefer is a resident of Richmond, NH in Cheshire county.
Hoefer for Obama
by: Mike Hoefer
Obama's Technology plan is impressive and shows he understands the power of good technology in Government. He "gets it" because the plan is not just technology (routers, wireless spectrum and like) but about communication and making government more open and transparent. If they can find the right CTO, and it will not be easy, it could really "flip the funnel" on information regarding how Government is run. Sunlight is the best disinfectant they say.
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