Friday, September 7, 2007

Roland Martin on Oprah's support

Roland S. Martin, a regular commentator on both CNN and TVOne, disagrees with Oprah that her greatest contribution to the Obama campaign would be herself rather than her money.

Martin notes that Oprah can open a independent campaign organization known as a 527 and run her own tv ads. She can spend as much money as she likes, and she's a billionaire.

Unlike most other billionaires, Oprah is neither unknown or greatly disliked, something that will probably be in her favor if she decides to open a 527. Independent tv ads require that the person who paid for the ads be identified by name.

Ads coming from George Soros or Bill Gates might be viewed as negative by some who distrust corporate types. However, Oprah has a completely different image. The fact that she hasn't been involved much in politics before doesn't hurt either.

If she decided to go this route, she would be unable to consult with the official Obama campaign on any matter related to her efforts. Most likely she would hire a political consulting and media firm to develop a strategy for helping Obama win.

Pena backs Obama

Former Clinton Cabinet member Federico Pena has become a co-chair of the Obama for America campaign. Pena is one of Obama's highest profile Hispanic supporters yet and he will be tasked with helping build support in that community.


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