Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Barack ain't finished yet

Reading some of the news stories, it would seem that many people are handing the race to Hillary Clinton too early.

Polls are not accurate at this early stage of the game and most likely are only showing Hillary's name recognition built up over nearly two decades.

Barack Obama had a big boost early on in name recognition but then hit that predictable ceiling where he's still at basically right now. I think it won't be until "election time" when people start looking at their candidate's statements and sample ballots that we will see a possible "break" one way or another.

Not that this will necessarily go Obama's way.

Obama has built quite a campaign organization, unlike any I've seen before. They are really systematically preparing for election day. Locally and statewide in California I didn't see anything like this even when Kerry and Edwards were running with all the Democratic resources at their disposal for the general election against George W. Bush.

Barack Obama asks question on LinkedIn

Barack appeared on the professional network today with the following question publicly posted:

How can the next president help small business and entrepreneurs thrive?


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