Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oprah to throw Obama bash

Oprah Winfrey, by many accounts America's most powerful woman, will host what promises to be a massive Sept. 8 fundraiser for Barack Obama's presidential campaign at her Santa Barbara home.

The media mogul broadcasted an email invitation to the party described as "the most exciting Barack Obama event of the year anywhere ..."

As Oprah's own endorsement is considered the equivalent of the midas touch in the media world for entertainers, authors, producers and the like, the draw to attend this event will be huge. Politicos might also see this as a chance to pull Oprah along with her influence and big bucks more deeply into the political sphere.

Tickets start at $2,300, but those wanting star treatment will have to pay more. Donors who can raise $25,000 may attend the VIP reception, and $50,000 in donations earn a spot at the VIP dinner.

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