Monday, July 30, 2007

Obama has progressive in Illinois State Senate

The New York Times has a nice article on Barack Obama has a neophyte, former community organizer senator at a time when the Illinois State Senate was dominated by Republicans.

“One of my first comments to Barack was, ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ ” said Denny Jacobs, a former senator and self-described “backroom politician, not one of those do-gooders that stands up front and says we got to make changes.”

Senator Obama’s answer? “He looked at me sort of strange.”

Obama comments on experience at Indianapolis fundraiser

A WISHTV8 reporter questioned Barack Obama at an Indianapolis fundraiser about talk that the current diplomacy rift with Hillary Clinton shows his lack of experience.

"Well, actually that's not what people are saying. That's what some of the pundits are saying. The people aren't saying that at all because they recognize that, if we keep on doing the same things that we've been doing over and over and over and they don't work, at some point you should try something different."

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