Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hill calls Bill over Barack bucks

Hillary Clinton is leading in most polls and is raking in big endorsements, but the recent war-chest numbers appear to have her campaign concerned.

Hillary is unleashing her not-so-secret weapon, husband Bill Clinton, who will begin appearing regularly with the candidate. Although many of her big-money donors appear to have maxed out in direct contributions to the campaign, they do have other options.

Supporters with deep pockets could opt to donate to independent committees knowns as 527s after the tax code that governs their existence. They can give up to $5,000 to a 527 that directly supports Hillary although none apparently exist yet.

Very wealthy persons could also choose to spend money independently in support of a candidate, and there no limit to these types of expenditures.

Bill Clinton is known for his fundraising prowess and will almost certainly be used to help boost Hillary's coffers.

Barack Obama is not exactly wanting in deep pocket supporters even if his campaign is characterized more by the average person including many who have never donated to a political candidate before. While about 22 percent of Hillary's 2Q contributions were targeted at the general election, indicating supporters who had maxed on primary donations, only about 4.6 percent of Obama's cash is for the general election.

Still, wealthy Obama endorsers like George Soros and Oprah Winfrey could choose to mount independent campaigns supporting the senator in the future.

Grassroots roots volunteers can also spend limited amounts of money without having to file election reports. And its not unknown for ordinary supporters to open 527s as well.

Certainly, Obama's massive volunteer support base has already spent large amounts of money in efforts like the Walk for Change, tabling and other events that doesn't show up in the fundraising reports.

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