They are also launching a new podcast service that will be available soon on iTunes:
The Official Barack Obama Podcasts

This occasional series will catch up with Barack and supporters with an intimate look at Barack and supporters from the campaign trail.

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Coming soon to the iTunes Store

As reticent as we are given to believe white Americans remain about electing a Black man like Senator Barack Obama to be their president ~ and as impervious to logic as their enduring prejudices are to the rest of mankind ~ is it necessarily counter-intuitive to imagine that they would be any less reluctant to appoint two Black men to their nation’s two highest offices? Would such hesitance be compounded ~ or would it not reverse and cancel out itself? Especially if the other Black man was General Colin Powell in the role of vice president?
Does it robotically follow that an America which has yet to demonstrate a readiness to be led by a single Black man would automatically baulk at the prospect of two such men in the White House? Or would so daring a display of political chutzpah not, effectively, “checkmate” those reservations and capture the imagination of Americans like nothing in the entire political history of that country?
Indeed, wouldn’t the mere coupling of two individuals with such stellar credentials not only serve to allay any fears about their fitness for such high offices but would actually enhance the confidence of the American electorate in so iconic a presidential partnering? For, does the answer to the “Black President Question” not, in fact, lie in an unprecedented political double-act, a unique “double whammy”, consisting of not just any random pairing but of this Black president and that Black vice president?
Would an Obama/Powell ticket be deemed “too Black” for the American electoral palette? Or would the combined calibre of both men have the opposite effect of, essentially, "aggregating out" their “over-Blackness” in a manner which would negate it as an adverse consideration in the minds of voters precisely because it was so, well, omni-present?
Is Senator Obama ~ who really has nothing to lose at this point ~ possessed of the raw gutsiness to double his political bets and altogether pre-empt the entire question of America’s willingness to accept a man like himself in the role of CEO, by tapping General Powell as his running mate and teasing the American electorate with the eye-popping prospect of two Black rulers in the West Wing at the same time? Indeed, may the answer to that age-old conundrum not lie on the far side of so brazen a display of sheer political sass? For, what other coupling could possibly match it? What presidential tag team would even come close? The US elections would be over before they had barely begun.
Having used his recent appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press to make known that not only had he provided foreign policy advice to candidate Obama but that his “eyes and ears” remained open to requests to serve his country, General Powell unintentionally dangled, for that most fleeting of moments, the tantalizing prospect of what would be the most sensational single occurrence in American political history.
Since the question of whether or not America could ever “bring herself” to elect a Black president remains unresolved ~ and to the extent that concerns about “competence” have underpinned that reluctance ~ Americans should take heart from the knowledge that the institutions, procedures and functions of their nation are Herculean enough to check and balance the best efforts of even the most inept, ghetto-blasting and afro-having occupant of the Oval Office. For, not only does America need to elect a Black president ~ if for no other reason than to get it “over and done with” and thus forever erase it from her national psyche as a question ~ but she, unique among the nations of the Earth, can both afford and withstand such a presidency.
The breathtaking possibility of two Black men ~ each of the very highest calibre and pedigree ~ assuming power as both president and vice president of a country still so contorted and torn by its ghastly legacy of racial bigotry would dramatize and electrify the United States of America and the world beyond her shores. It would transform the national dialogue in that country and galvanise her electorate as never before. As the quintessential Manichean obverse to Bush/Cheney, the Obama/Powell administration would revolutionise the global identity of America and infuse her with a new momentum and meaning.
A Democrat like Senator Obama and a Republican like General Powell would provide the perfect bi-partisan ideological balm that could heal a divided America and surge her toward a better tomorrow. Such an Obama-Powell Presidency would be nothing short of messianic and would renew America’s purpose in our world.
This possibility cannot be allowed to be a mere “dream”; for America and the world’s sake, it must become reality.
I think Powell could strengthen a general election ticket.
However, I doubt that he will accept the vice president position because of his wife.
She's against Powell becoming president, which of course is always a possibility for a vice. You really need a spouse's support to run for elective office.
Maybe she's changed her mind after seeing Obama campaigning for office.
Powell though said he wasn't interested in elective office, and it may be that an appointment is in the works instead with Powell endorsing Obama.
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