Sunday, June 24, 2007

Barack of Ages

Sen. Barack Obama spoke before a crowd of about 10,000 United Church of Christ (UCC) members in

"Doing the Lord's work is a thread that's run through our politics since the very beginning," Obama told church members. "And it puts the lie to the notion that the separation of church and state in America--a principle we all must uphold and that I have embraced as a constitutional lawyer and most importantly as a Christian--means faith should have no role in public life."

Barack is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago's South Side.

The UCC was first church to ordain an African-American, the first woman and the first openly gay pastor. It was also the first denomination to approve same-sex marriage.

FaceBook Application

There's an interesting application on Facebook at:


It's a poll in which money is donated to candidates according to the percentage of votes they get in the poll.

I'm not entirely sure where the money comes from but I'm guessing it comes from ads generated on Facebook.

Barack Obama is clearly in the lead among Democrats. You must registered on Facebook to participate, and it costs the user nothing to raise money for the Obama campaign.

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