Thursday, March 1, 2007

Wexler endorses Obama

Sen. Barack Obama snagged another important endorsement today as Robert Wexler became the first member of the Florida Democratic congressional delegation to endorse Obama.

Wexler also agreed to become Obama's Florida state co-chair.

“I have never been as excited about a candidate for president as I am about Barack Obama,” said a statement released by Wexler's office.

“I am inspired by his message of authenticity, integrity and bringing Americans together. Barack had the foresight to oppose the Iraq War from the beginning, and as president he will bring our troops home. I have spoken with Barack to discuss the dangers facing our ally Israel, and I am convinced there will be no stronger supporter of Israel than President Obama.”

Wexler is Jewish and a strong Israel supporer and his endorsement can help with the Jewish vote and associated big-money fundraisers (bundlers).

"Billary" raises a million a week

In response to Barack Obama's big Hollywood fundraiser, Bill Clinton sent a mass email calling on his wife's supporters to raise a million in one week on the Clinton website. A big fundraising "thermometer" was placed on the frontpage and Billary (Bill + Hillary) apparently accomplished their goal.

John Edwards is also using the same technique on his site. The Obama campaign may want to keep their online fundraising progress secret until the April 15 disclosure deadline has they don't allow complete tracking of online donations.


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