Documentation of Sacramento for Obama
Some observations on the success of SFO:
* Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. Get motivated and others will share your motivation and then the sparks fly.
* People like to come to fun campaign events. There will be a time for grueling-type campaigning particularly in the last couple of weeks before voting starts in your area, but for now all campaigning should be fun while still being productive.
* The media is interested in Barack Obama, so make every effort to contact them and cultivate relationships with them.
* Broadcast your group and events widely. Use local media, bulletin boards, craigslist, forums, meetings, calendars of events, etc. to publicize your stuff. Hold your meetings in public places rather than private homes. Wear your Obama t-shirts and campaign gear at these public meetings and events.
* Constantly engage and update your group, and stay active. Staying active, keeps people engaged and hones your performance.
Yahoo Answers
Barack Obama has posted a question on Yahoo! Answers: "How Can We Engage More People In the Democratic Process?".
Click here to answer.

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